Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jam at Trisha's fair-well

Jam at Trisha's fair-well

The reason iv posted this field recording is because, to me the importance of the field recording, is it's spontaneity- it's ability to capture the moment. This is of course why most of my field recordings, including this one which happened during the weekend, occur at parties or group gatherings. These moments are fundamentally driven by spontaneity; a spontaneity that is often, within certain circles, made manifest in the form of improvised music, or "jamming". It's this excitement: of people being together and getting rowdy, and of not just being an outside observer but of being right in the midst of it, watching, as people ride the vibes of that particular night's energy, which I find to be right at the heart of my conceptions about "faith" and "the unknown"; and how both of these experiences must be embraced in order to get a true(ish) perspective on the meanings of this life; and how this kind of excitement, and the rowdiness that I'm talking about, that I'm trying to capture, is exactly the method needed for embracing "faith" and "the unknown", and further more, faith in the unknown.

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